Need to Know News (5 January 2022) with Giuseppe Vafanculo and David Scorpio

2 years ago

A Nassau County Democrat who has been booted out even though DEMs enjoy a 100,000 registration advantage over Republicans wars of a coming "bloodbath" in November, where the polls support her apprehensions. She feels that putting Biden out in public is a form of "Elder Abuse", which reinforces the problem they face. The Guardian ended a poll of the popular choice for "Person of the Year" when J.K. Rowling took a huge lead, because her advocacy of two and only two sexes contradicts the liberal-left line on gender, which like other liberal-left positions has no foundation in science or biology. MGT has been banned from Twitter for sharing VAERS data from the CDC, which contradicts the liberal-left ideology that Twitter supports. Glenn Greenwald does a super job of raking Twitter over the coals for its oppressive, Soviet-style censorship. Dr, Robert Malone, who invented mRNA technology, suggests the US is in "mass formation psychosis" (false beliefs widely shared that have no basis in reality) over COVID-19, which has been promoted endlessly by "fake news" from the mainstream media, the NIH, CDC and FDA, putting the nation (deliberately) in a state of semi-panic without empirical or scientific justification.

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