Need to Know News (4 January 2022) with Joe Olson

2 years ago

It turns out that the mainstream media and Big Pharma are dominated and controlled by two mega asset-management firms, BlackRock and Vanguard, where Vanguard even owns most of BlackRock and (behind the scenes) the principal owners of both are (Surprise! Surprise!) the Rothschild Investment Corp. and Edmond De Rothschild Holding. Which of course makes sense since the mainstream media and Big Pharma are the key players in The Great Reset, where Klaus Schwab, its founder and director, is himself a Rothschild. While the nation becomes increasingly polarized and the idea of secession becomes more and more popular, it would pose massive problems and may or may not even be Constitutional, since most scholars agree that the Civil War settled--once and for all--that the states do not have the right to succeed. Meanwhile, insurance directors are reporting stunning death rate increases of 40%, not among the elderly, but among working age 18-64, where the death toll from taking the vax is beginning to manifest--and the numbers are going to grow! No doubt, insurance companies will have to deny claims from those who took an experimental vax, which will leave them destitute. It's catastrophic but predictable as the outcome of the greatest scam in the history of the world.

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