Happy 246th Independence Day! Except to Celebrities, Newsom, Rioters, Criminals & Chestnut Attacker!

2 years ago

Akron Rioters did a number on a their city in the name of a criminal. Imagine that, people who are deliberately misinformed lashing out irrationally!

Highland Park's Independence Day parade/celebration was brought to a catastrophic halt because of a gunman (who is still at large) murdered 6 people and injured at least 24 more people. Strict Gun Laws do not stop tragedies. 54 people shot between Friday and Monday morning in Chicago can attest to that as well.

Entitled "celebrities" like the ELDEST Kardashians and Jessica Chastain's old asses are "cancelling" Independence Day, because no one cares about worn out old 40-somethings. But muh baby killing rights...

Gavin Newsom wasted $105,000 on a 30-second ad that ran in Florida to propagandize Floridians that they are having their freedom taken away from them. The GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA is telling people in Florida that they are less free than people in California. Wow.

Joey Chestnut won his 15th Hot Dog Eating championship. It was a hard fought victory, literally. A pencil necked activist burst on the stage for animal rights or some nonsense, but Joey, mid bite, decided to apply the Cobra Clutch on the geek before security could snatch him up. Sgt. Slaughter would be proud!

Happy Freedom Day to the good folks of the Greatest Country on Earth!

The New York Post 1: https://nypost.com/2022/07/04/akron-in-state-of-emergency-after-violent-protests-over-jayland-walker-cop-shooting-video/
The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/massive-police-response-after-shooting-at-fourth-of-july-parade-in-illinois_4575847.html
Breitbart: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/07/04/july-4th-weekend-at-least-54-shot-friday-into-monday-morning-across-mayor-lori-lightfoots-chicago/
NYP2: https://nypost.com/2022/07/04/celebrities-like-kardashian-chastain-media-blast-america-on-independence-day/
NYP3: https://nypost.com/2022/07/04/gavin-newsom-launches-ads-urging-floridians-to-leave/
NYP4: https://nypost.com/2022/07/04/joey-chestnut-wins-15th-nathans-hot-dog-eating-contest/

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#IndependenceDay #GavinNewsom #HighlandPark

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