Need to Know (28 December 2021) TEXAS TUESDAY with Joe Olson and Michael Ivey

2 years ago

The rats are leaving a sinking ship as more and more Democrats are retiring from office lest they go down hard in an humiliating defeat in 2022, when the GOP may take as many as 100 House seats and several Senate. Trump's explanation for not pardoning Julian Assange and Edward Snowden rings hollow, especially when he has now pardoned the Israeli handler of Jonathan Pollard, perhaps the greatest spy against America in our history. Trump has no excuse and it strengthens the case against him as an Israeli puppet, sad to say. The blatant anti-White discrimination that is sweeping across public schools in America is dumbfounding, since it stands in gross violation of anti-discrimination laws as long standing as the 1964 Civil Rights Act. And Big Pharma wants to vax kids to gain exemption from liability, since when children are authorized to be jabbed, the companies are immune from liability for death or damage caused by their products. All for profits and decimating the human community on Earth! Stunning!

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