Truth vs. NEW$ Part 2 (19 December 2021) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

Operation Omicron appears to be designed to complete the mission of wiping out a large segment of the world's population, where the US is in the cross-hairs because it has the world's largest armed population. "Tony the Rat" Fauci continues to betray the American people by promoting lethal vaccines as though they were safe and appropriate, when the opposite is the case. Mary Maxwell makes a major contribution to the Sandy Hook event by explaining how she originally took for granted it was real but has been brought to the point of now recognizing that it was a hoax, where she lays out in very clear language her reasons for changing her mind. (The full text--a portion of which was inadvertently omitted here--may be found on my blog at Biden may want a war with Russia in the hope that it might boost his approval ratings, but it's more likely to be assesses as further proof of his incompetence, where (as Barack Obama famously observed), "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f--- things up!", which has been on display since entering the White House as the outcome of a stolen election. Everyone enjoy Christmas with your friends and loved ones!

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