Need to Know News (16 December 2021) with Joe Olson

2 years ago

Liz Cheney's blunder has undermined the entire 6 January 2021 investigation by revealing (in clear and unambiguous language) that Trump and his supporters were caught flat-footed and unaware of the events that were transpiring at the Capital, which makes the claim he and they had orchestrated the event completely indefensible and thereby destroys the rationale for the investigation, which was only set up to tarnish Trump in the first place. Given the pathetic state of the Democrats' bench, it may be that Hillary is their best bet go be massively defeated by Trump again in 2024. Trump has expressed his disillusionment with Bibi for having been the first in line to congratulate4 Biden on his stolen election victory. The release of more JFK records appears to be slanted to resurrect the debunked theory that Russia was involved, when it was "All the way with LBJ!", as my collaborative research--included in the FF&CC2021 presentations--established beyond a reasonable doubt.

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