Truth vs. NEW$ 1 (13 December 2021) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

We begin with a review of False Flags & Conspiracies Conference 2021, which was held over the weekend, with 24 presentations. It was quite sensational, where Dr. Katherine Horton and William "Bill" Binney were my special guests. Although they had been targeted with EM devices to punish Bill for doing an interview with RT the day before, they got their presentation to me even while the first day was under way. It will be available via tickets for the next year, where those who want to follow up should visit my blog, Meanwhile, new polls show the GOP with a double-digit lead on the generic question where the public would prefer ANY Republican to ANY Democrat, which is an historic result that spells catastrophe for the Democrats in the 2022 mid-term elections--which they are going to attempt to sabotage, one way or another. The Jussie Smollett "hate crime" hoax spells further trouble for the fake news media and the racialization-of-politics, where it's a small enough hoax the public can wrap its mind around it. New research finds that the Covid-19 virus appears to have been engineered with elements of HIV, which makes Anthony "Tony the Rat" Fauci the prime suspect for its design. And Jacob Rothchilds' response to Henry Makow spells out the objective of "The Great Reset", where you can read more at where this is about as disturbing as it gets.

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