Dusting Off My Old Kenpo Forms (part 1): Pinan 1 - 5 | Shaolin Kenpo Karate

2 years ago

*Originally uploaded elsewhere November 13, 2019. This was our second real location, rent sharing with The Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship and Viñas Arnis. We were at this location between 2018 and 2021. 1829 E. Indian School Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85016. We changed the name again to more accurately reflect our M with a focus on classical Chinese, French, and English Boxing: Black Sun Boxing. This is where we started to get more serious about filming content.*

• Follow Us Everywhere: https://linktr.ee/blacksunboxing

• Music by: Dr. Jamsalot

• Additional Music by: Sol Daddy - Creator Owned, George Demosthenes III (Dr. Jamsalot and Armor Klass) - used with direct permission, Hemoptysis - used with written permission from the band, Kevin MacLeod - Creative Commons 3, Alexander Nakarada - Creative Commons with attribution, and other Public Domain or Creative Commons 0 Music and Sound Effects. Links for respective attributions in the link tree.

These are forms borrowed and adapted from Shotokan Karate. Professor Nick Cerio felt they added much needed structure to the system (Kenpo traditionally did not practice many, if any forms at first). There were some changes made over the years, so the forms don't look exactly as they first did. Good, bad, or indifferent, that's the reality.

Read more about Professor Cerio here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Raymond_Cerio

and here: http://blendedkenpo.com/history-of-kenpo/nick-cerio/

Watch Professor Cerio perform [some of] these forms in 1975:

Read more about the Pinan forms here: https://iainabernethy.co.uk/article/brief-history-pinan-heian-katas

Part 2: https://youtu.be/QRAT9Ir1ZVM

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