Need to Know (19 November 2021) with Joe Olson

2 years ago

This will go down as a great day for America, where the jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial acted in accordance with the law and the evidence by exonerating him and finding him not guilty on all charges. The prosecution had crossed the line repeatedly and the defense had asked for a dismissal with prejudice, which means that the charges could not be refiled. The Court granted the motion even though the verdict had already been rendered. The performance of the prosecution violated the law and code of professional conduct on multiple grounds, including the withholding of exculpatory evidence. The media will also be scrutinized for its malicious false reporting and for sending a reporter after the bus carrying the jury in an apparent attempt to photograph its members so they could be harassed and tormented by those on the left. Democrats and anchors at MSNBC especially are going to contort themselves into pretzels in an attempt to explain away the correct verdict by a jury of Kyle's peers. A GREAT DAY!

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