Need to Know News (4 November 2021) with Joe Olson

2 years ago

5G may interfere with planes in flight; 23,000 registered voters in Wisconsin have the same phone number. The Judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse case has chastised the irresponsible reporting (what we call "fake news") in the case, where new video held back by the FBI for 12 months shows that he was acting in self-defense, where an expert critique by Andrew Branca details the indefensibility of the prosecution in this case. Even NEWSWEEK is now reporting on Fauci's failures to protect the public from massive abuse and a medical fraud that is killing millions and harming tens-of-millions more. The outlines of the criminal conspiracy run by Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen can no longer be concealed for those who have an inquiring mind. We have been played with lethal effects! BEWARE!

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