The Raw Deal (8 October 2021)

2 years ago

A new study of Barack Obama from CovertAction Magazine (which I have republished on my blog) suggests that he was a creature of the CIA from the beginning, that his mother, Ann Dunham, had intel connections, and that his father may have not been Barack Obama, Sr., but Frank Marshall Davis instead. Fascinating stuff and worth your time to read it through. Anthony "Tony the Rat" Fauci is telling students at McGill in Canada that they should give up making decisions for themselves and follow the dictates of society, which has been the siren song of totalitarians from time immemorial. Hospitals are now moving unvaxxed patients to the back of the line for organ transplants and some are refusing to give new-born babies to their parents if they are unvaccinated. That this should be happening in America is beyond belief--but that's how things are today in the USA.

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