Roe Vs Wade - Overturned Or Overrated

2 years ago

I believe in the whole “My Body, My Choice” thing but honestly it feels like this Abortion ruling is being blown out of context. Especially with the more younger generations who are already dealing with various aged levels of sensuality throughout the media platforms. And it’s not like there aren’t more child predators now rebranding themselves or Teachers seeking non-binary validation from their students. It’s all a bit much and considering last month was PRIDE, things were sexualized very much so throughout the month. After all, seems the L in LGBTQ… is for Love.

00:00 Muppets catching Covid
00:21 Drag Kids and a Sex Strike?
03:47 Mandatory Vasectomy, Pediatric Knowledge
05:31 Gender Dissociative Thinking
08:29 The L is for Love
9:30 Future Trans League In Sports
10:05 What About That Virus?! (and AR-15s?)
12:16 The Dangers in Separating Sex From Pleasure

also here was that previous video from my initial reaction

#roevswade #abortion #sexstrike #vasectomy #roevwade #craigleetalks

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