The Raw Deal (1 October 2021) w Lori Price, Editor-in-Chief of (Citizens for Legitimate Gov)

2 years ago

Biden faked the booster on a White House stage (probably in Florida, although there is one in California, too). Even the reporters could see it was on a set, which makes them complicit in this monstrous fraud on the American public. Leana Wen, who has been President of Planned Parenthood and is now featured as a medical expert on CNN, says we do not have the right to travel, that it's a privilege, and has previously stated that Americans who are unvaxxed should remain in their homes as a form of self-quaranteen. We know she is a fraud from her earlier appearance as a doctor treating patients at the Boston bombing, where they used amputee actors and (even) a studio-quality smoke machine. Biden's declaration that OSHA would be formulating rules for companies with over 100 employees also turns out to be fraudulent: nothing like that is in the works. Just more propaganda to frighten the people into doing something that will harm them to promote the interest of the Rothschild Banking Empire, which is out to seize control of Planet Earth.

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