Need to Know News (30 September 2021) with Joe Olson

2 years ago

The FBI has been caught in a dilemma: Because its own informants were involved in the 6 January event, if it was planned in advance, then the FBI is guilty of aiding and abetting and allowing it to commence; but if it was not planned in advance, then there was no conspiracy and the premise of the Democrats in demonizing Trump and his followers falls apart. So to save itself, the FBI must allow the conspiracy charge to become null and void--which leaves Pelosi and the DEMss grasping after political straws. Thousands and thousands of health care workers are being fired or placed on leave because they won't take the vax, which compromises the ability of the nation to handle health issues nationwide. T his appears to be one more of the demonic effects of the completely fabricated Covid-19 "pandemic", which was fabricated to motivate taking the vax, which is a deadly weapon disguised as a medical procedure.

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