Padre pio's advice on how to pray while being distracted #shorts

2 years ago

Have you ever wondered how to pray well? How to say your prayers well or how to avoid distraction while praying? You want to check out this advice from Padre Pio.

One thing which we all struggle everyday is to put aside our daily problems while we pray and focus our mind to God alone. We all should give our attention to God only whenever we pray and unfortunately everyday we often get distracted by small things or even bigger things. We worry a lot about our future and our plans. We don't fully surrender everything to God.

We buy books with tons of catholic prayers in it and we are ready to fight our spiritual battle. Catholic prayers book is a good option but we cannot forget to buy other spiritual books and listen to the advice from the saint. Spiritual reading helps us to motivate ourselves to pray more and meditate more. it does help us to speak well, to think well and to get our deeds done well. Striving hard to be perfect is the way to work our our salvation.

In spiritual books we will find the advice on how to think about heavenly things. How to always put God first in our mind. We all have inclinations to think about pleasures of the world and Saint Padre pio urged us all to not give up, continue to pray. As long as we have a good intention to please God, we will be there. Saint Alphonsus ligouri also said that we have to call upon Jesus and Mary, say their names to make the devil flee from out thoughts. This is just a short opinion which can help you to not stop reading good books because it can change your life.

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Dorothy Gaudiose, Prophet of the People, Alba House, NY, NY. pp. 164-165.

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