Dr. Lee Merritt, former US Navy Surgeon, Warns of Catastrophic Vaccine Risk

2 years ago

INCREDIBLY GOOD conversation between Dr. Lee Merritt and Mike Adams of Brighteon and Natural News! Dr. Merritt drops bombshell after bomshell, some of which are transcribed in the notes below.
https://www.brighteon.com/eb1b58c0-d62f-4229-9098-5fd861118053 (57:31)
Some quotes from Lee Merritt:
“If you think we’re fighting a virus, you’re going to act like a victim. If you think we’re fighting a war, you’re going to act like a warrior. We are at war. This is a war against humanity. There is NO rational medical or scientific explanation for locking down New Zealand like that.”
“There’s a long history here of the falsification of virology that has led to this.”
“There’s a farce here. Not only did we find out that there is no isolate of the virus — 90 countries have now admitted this — but we also learned from the CDC these past few weeks that they never had any isolate to create the PCR test. We’ve talked in the past about the number of cycles … but the other part of this is that even if they had run the correct number of cycles, it turns out that the [PCR] test was never testing for SARS-CoV-2 or any disease we call ‘Covid!’ People need to wake up and realize this! When you go in and get a “Covid test,” you’re being tested for the common cold virus. This is insane!”
“People went along with this early on because they made it very confusing and they made it very “science-y.” One thing I’ve learned about this is the reason that they’ve gotten away with all these lies is that science has become so technically specialized that it’s been segmented, and the guy over here in Department A really doesn’t understand what the guy in Department B’s principles are based on.”
“We don’t really know how many people are awake because we have a media that is totally in the tank for the intelligence program [psychological operation] that’s being run against the whole world."
“There’s nothing here that’s about rational science. Whatever it’s about, it’s NOT about rational science.”
“We’ve already killed more people that Covid has, [even if you believe their phony statistics].”
“For every childhood death from Covid, we’re having 100 dead from the vaccine.”
“It looks to me like everything that we’re doing is to kill people. We are putting masks on people making them sicker — there’s NO benefit to that. We’re isolating them socially.”
“Hospitals are beginning to be understaffed, WHY? Because a lot of nurses are retiring rather than having to take the mandatory vaccine.”
“If the Secretary of Defense doesn’t understand what a national security nightmare this is [making the entire military force submit to taking the vaccines], either he’s a complete idiot … or he’s a traitor.”

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