Truth For Health: Faith Over Fear Pt. 8

2 years ago

TOPIC: Defending Life: The Biblical Basis of Self-Defense

Following the historic Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and as we head into America’s Independence Day celebrations July 4, Dr. Vliet discusses America’s core founding Christian principles that life is God’s gift, not the government’s. Defense of life is actually a Biblical duty. America’s founders saw the First and Second Amendments as the protections needed to defend God’s gifts of life and liberty, and are seeing in real time how the current administration is attempting to further restrict Americans rights on both of these Constitutional guarantees. In addition, totalitarian governments have always sought both gun control and health care control as the tools for people control. We have been seeing the loss of life during the COVID years as governments around the world restricted access to effective, safe, early home treatment. Pastors in first American Revolution against tyranny were the ones to LEAD their flock and take up arms to fight for liberty as God’s gift. Yet we have seen many pastors today are abdicating Biblical duty in capitulating to government tyranny – the opposite of America’s founding principles.

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