Need to Know (30 June 2021) with Giuseppe Vafanculo

2 years ago

New polling from Harvard/Harris shows Americans are not happy with Biden's border policies and Critical Race Theory, where 80% said border immigration is either very serious (43%) or somewhat serious (37%). 61% said public schools should not be promoting Critical Race Theory, even as the administration claims opposition to it is a "conspiracy theory" or manifestation of racism. Barack Obama and Al Gore both blast those who question the outcome of the 2020 election, Obama calling it a "bunch of hooey" and Gore "just nuts!", as though he had not contested the outcome of the 2000 election, which was stolen in Florida to bring us Bush/Cheney to usher in 9/11 and pave the way for US forces to be used in the Middle East to take out the modern Arab states that served as a counter-balance to Israel's domination of the entire region and eventually confront the Persian nation of Iran, just as Biden/Harris have ushered in multiple measures designed to destroy the integrity of the national identity of the United States.

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