Truth Jihad Radio (18 June 2021) with Kevin Barrett - The Paul McCartney Mystery

2 years ago

On the birthday of Paul McCartney, who would have been 79 today, Kevin arranged for a debate between me and Sterling Harwood, Ph.D., J.D., over whether Paul died and was replaced. I cited major differences in their physical properties, which you can see but the radio audience could not, while Sterling sought to offer arguments about the implausibility of finding a musician as brilliant as Paul to replace him. I regard Billy Shears (William Sheppard) as precisely that: an even better musician. He looked a lot like Paul but plastic surgery was used to make him even better. Nevertheless, differences in their heights, the teeth and palates and ears provide (in my opinion) definitive proof they are two men and not one and the same. Judge the evidence for yourself.

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