Josh Green Lies about AFC Leader?!

2 years ago

Shout out to the man @voteshawnrichey for bringing this democrat debate June 29, 2022, to my attention this morning. I also see that @surfing4truth2 has already gotten started on this debate 🙌 as I watch this, I’m amazed how much Green and Kahele have flip flopped on the VaXX mandate and the mask for school children. Now they are singing to the tune of our Republican candidates on these issues now that they know just how unpopular these issues are in the minds of voters minus the hardcore lefties that have the mask and vax as a religious symbol of their cult.

The Chris Wikoff spin got my blood boiling! I know many of you were involved in the protests and lost your jobs as a result of not complying with the mandates which makes this issue very personal. Green supported the vax mandates and enabled puppet Ige and Blangiardi to severely affect the livelihoods of many Hawaii residents which you cannot pinpoint an exact number on.

Chris Wikoff may have been one of the founders of the AFC movement last year but he was not the “leader” of it as Green has painted in the minds of uniformed viewers. At the time Fox News and a lot of other Republican mainstream platforms were parroting the Dr. Fauci NWO democrat talking points and lies about covid so you can’t blame Wikoff for being so uniformed at the time. It was only so called “fringe conspiracy theorist” independent people, groups (frontline doctors), and social media platforms (ex. telegram) that were warning people about the hospitals and treatments that were having ill effects on people. The Chris Wikoff trailer was edited by our friend Ben @bencole21 who took time to interview Wikoff on whether the media was telling us fake news or not about him disavowing our protest movement. It was interesting to see these NWO puppets tear each other apart.

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