#Cuba 🇨🇺 Police kills another man

4 years ago

#Cuba 🇨🇺 #SanCristobal #Artemisa | Another civilian was shot and killed by the #PNR #police in less than a month from the murder of Hansel in Guanabacoa. #PoliceViolence has in escalating. Yamisel García Hernández was 38 years old. His family is denouncing his murder and cannot trust the dictatorship’s version of events, which originates from an anonymous youtube channel belonging to the state security. The funeral home worker in charge of Yamisel showed his family that the bullet came in from the back, under his right arm, which opposed the version that he was shot on the chest. The State claims the police shot him in self defense, just like Hansel, they are accusing the victim of being a criminal. In both cases, there is no evidence or way of looking up criminal records, the dictatorship is keeping the cops anonymous. Another family victim of this communist regime.
Yamisel García Hernández fué asesinado de un disparo por la #policia castrista en la madrugada del 6 de julio. De acuerdo al trabajador funeral, el disparo fué por la espalda debajo del brazo derecho, no por el pecho como alega la versión de la dictadura a través de un canal de youtube de la seguridad de estado. Así como a Hansel, la víctima es acusada de delincuente y por ende había que matarlo “ en defensa propia.” Ni en este caso, ni en el de Hansel, los policías de la #PNR asesinos han dado la cara, no es posible ver récords de los casos ni los récords “criminales” de las víctimas. Otro caso mas, en menos de un mes de violencia policial.
Place: San Cristóbal, Artemisa
Date: July 6, 2020
Source: Yamisel’s family

#Minint #YamiselGarcia #JusticeForYamisel #Freedom4Cuba #Communism #HumanRights #PoliceBrutality #AbusoPolicial #PNRAsesina #ElCambioEsYa

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