Sean Hannity And Josh Hawley Worried They've Gone Too Far?

2 years ago

Is Sean Hannity worried the Democratic base will be so angry about the overturning of Roe v Wade and the revelations coming out of the January 6th commission that they somehow defeat the Republicans in November?

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Josh Hawley was on Fox News this week. And he said or I guess it was just last night. And he said people don't care about these things. People don't care about abortion. They don't care about guns. They don't care about January 6. really? Okay. Well, let's just use that we have that clip. This is Josh Hawley on with sean Hannity. And you know again this is consistent with the right I think sort of feeling concerned that there's an opportunity here for democrats. because none of the things that have happened with the supreme court are even remotely popular. and they're going to get worse. I mean because people are going to die. Here's Josh Hawley on Sean Hannity. That's right, question well their strategy of running on January 6th, Roe v Wade being overturned, the second amendment, is that going to be successful in any way to gin up their base and motivate their base? no. because they're talking about issues that only they care about that nobody else cares about. that don't affect the lives of real people. or that they're wrong on. I mean take abortion again. what are you going to say to people? no, you shouldn't have a choice in what your laws are in your state. that's what they're telling people about January 6. the only people who care about January 6 are the democrats in Washington dc. these are I mean this is I mean objectively we can look at the polls and we see that's not the case. right? I mean objectively we can look at that. democrats I mean are afraid of these issues moving to the fore.

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