Interesting Trail ride on green colt

2 years ago

I went for a ride on gunner this morning. Lordy he has a fast walk on him. With patients and encouragement he did pretty good. In the first part of the clip he came to a sudden stop I don’t know what he smelled but he wanted no part of it. After I turned him around and with a little encouragement he went on down the trail with no problem. At the end of the clip I was holding the phone in my hand and decided I needed to put it up because I needed to communicate better with my horse. It was a good thing I did. because when I topped over the hill, Zak came running past us. Gunner did not know he was anywhere around and gunner jumped straight up in the air. With all 4 feet off the ground. I felt like my head was up in the top of the trees he jumped so high. When his feet hit the ground again the danger was over and we rode on like nothing had happened. Thank goodness he jumped straight up without doing that twist and sideways kick he is so famous far out in the pasture. Yes he needs lots of wet saddle blankets on him.

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