The Mysterious 45 Day Blessing After The Abomination of Desolation [ep.8]

2 years ago

📩 Get the life changing "70 Shabua Decoded" PDF presentation for free at We are now officially counting down the days to the nuclear abomination of desolation that will be taking place on September 22, 2023. Make sure to watch episodes 2 through 7 of the podcast in order to fully understand the context of the information that I will be sharing in this episode. Remember, we were commanded to "know and understand" the 70 shabua of Daniel prophecy that was "sealed until the time of the end." Well...the time of the end is NOW, and the time for ignorance and playing church is over. Lets get serious and dig into what the Scriptures reveal about the 45 days after the abomination of desolation takes place. 🔗 For upcoming developments and announcements, join the Telegram:

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