The Tragic Aftermath of War

2 years ago

The Tragic Aftermath of War

Lord Jesus, please soften our hearts to pray for the victims of war. Do not let us go through our day without thinking about them and their needs. Amen. Guys, the Lord is very concerned about those who are dying and are unprepared, and in a minute, He will share with you what is going on around the world, but last night the only thing I wanted to do was pray and work on music, and I did not get to either one, and I am very frustrated with myself. I said, I just do not understand what I am doing that is causing this problem.

And so, I said Lord, I am very, very sorry about last night. Please help me because I know He was waiting for me.

He said, “I missed you.”

And I said, I missed You too. I was very disappointed; I do not even know what happened. “Time flies.” But what was I doing? I just do not understand it. “It is the little bites of time that add up and before you realize it two hours have gone by.” I said, please, no more Lord, please warn me and help me obey.

“I will. I have. And I am, but you do not get the clues.”

Well, please help me to be more receptive and obedient, because I am missing it.

He answered and said, “You are talking about a lifetime of work. It does not happen overnight, however, if you are more attentive it can happen sooner. Please, be attentive.”

Thank You, Lord. Is there anything on Your Heart? Aside from increased prayer for the lost at the hour of their death?

He began, “The war I do not want to happen. That is on My Heart.”

He was talking about; we just got a report that West Pointers got a–I guess a graduation speech about being ready for war. And the Lord does not want this war to happen.

And He said, “Can you see? Situations are turning.” Yes, they are. And what is going on in the world is that the dark side is beginning to fall apart and being suppressed and pushed back.

He continued, “This gives Me more time with souls who are so close, and even souls that are far away. War is a terrible thing and men tend to become ravenous beasts killing, raping, pillaging. It is so horrible, and I must be right there in the midst of it, protecting My people. I must suffer with them and draw them to Myself.“ There is much brutality still going on in the Ukraine, Satan has been loosed on the people and the suffering is very, very great. No food, no family, no friends, all dead and gone. Unspeakable sorrow has gripped My people, but your prayers are helping.

”Oh Lord, please send them your courage and comfort. And please allow us to go there in the nightwatches and help to bring hope.

He continued, “It is a hotbed of sin and turmoil. Nothing is assured them from day to day. The Russian people have reached out to them, but the Nazis are only concerned about racking up dead bodies for the black hats. The aftermath is so sorrowful for all and there is deep depression and the loss of will to live.”

I pray they turn to You, Lord, and receive your wonderful love and a renewal of faith.

“Clare, imagine what it would be like to lose everything, your pets, your husband, your children, your home, your car, and be left with nothing. That is the place they are in, totally stripped and very insecure about tomorrow.”

I pray they will find what they really need, Lord, they need You, and receive new consolation and hope.

“This is why you are praying,” Jesus answered. “These same things are happening all over the world, including Africa, where slaughter is a daily thing. So, when you pray against war, injustice, murder, and rape, please include the whole world because it is being done everywhere.“

Pray for mercy and conversions. These are such dark hours upon the Earth and many wars have been waged and are raging in every country as the mandate spreads to exterminate mankind. People are being killed and rewarded for every dead body. It is horrendous.

”But Lord, isn’t President Trump making an impact?“

Yes, but it is very hard won. There is so much suffering it is hard to keep up with.

”And then-I had to ask Him a question, because I heard something a couple of days ago and I still have not gotten an answer that I have peace with. And I–I asked Him, I said, I got the impression that we had more time. Please tell me what you meant by five. What had happened is, during a message, or at the very beginning of a message, He said “five.” And then, three other people in the spirit, saints, or angels, said “five.” I thought, five more years? That cannot be, or is it? Things are beginning to turn and look up a little bit. So, I said, please tell me what you meant by ‘five,’ or was it even You?

He answered, “It was Me. What do you think it meant? Five years? That we have five years?

“Not quite.”

Please Lord, what does it mean? Please help me or change the subject, You know how very attached I am, and I cannot trust anything I hear when I am attached to the result.

He continued, “Beloved you need to spend time with Me. I long for that even more than you do. Then My voice will become clearer, and your fears will melt away. But I have given you much to pray about. The ravages of war have stricken people all over the world to the point of hopelessness. They desperately need your prayers. Will you do this for Me?

Yes Lord, we will.

And that was the end of the message. So please, be praying for people all over the world, it has been going on in Africa for decades. But please pray for comfort for these people and conversions of the tormentors, conversion of the violent groups that come after them, that they would discover the Lord’s love, that they would be drawn to Him, that they would be very dissatisfied and not happy with the way they are living now and be looking for the Lord.

Please pray for them, because it is a difficult situation all over the world. God bless you, Heart Dwellers. Thank you so much for keeping us in prayer and support, we appreciate it so much. Things are going very well up here on the mountain, and we pray for you every day. God bless you.

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