Friday 13th Corrupt Social Services & Police Harassment

2 years ago

Social Services of Perth and Kinross Council harass Serenity, a survivor of historical trafficking and whistleblower of government & police corruption.

◾ In 2021, after Serenity disclosed historical trafficking where council employees and ex-police officers were complicit, PKC housing officer Sara Spittal committed fraud, malfeasance and perjury with repeated FALSE reports of current trafficking. She lodged a fraudulent child protection case off the back of baseless claims of criminality/current trafficking, despite Serenity now being a SAFEGAURDING CONSULTANT and the trafficking occurring over ten years ago!

◾ Fellow housing officer Lyndsey Moyes colluded with Sara Spittal to uphold these false claims.

◾ Fraudulent police reports by Perth Kinross Council have been lodged and used as a means of harassment and a leverage to restrict human rights & freedom of movement whilst simultaneously bolstering a child protection case.

📰 Context is included in an article published here -

◾ Rachel is also currently being trafficked by UK authorities, including police. Thus as stated during this Friday the 13th incident, she anticipated they would try to fraudulently bring her into the case to either criminalise her or bolster their case against Serenity.
She was correct-- they have since done this. See this video update -

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