Need to Know: The Fetzer Report Episode 103 - 06 January 2021

2 years ago

Need to Know Episode 103 (06 January 2021) with Giuseppe Vafanculo and Chris Weinert. First successful penetration of the US Capitol since the British--well done Patriots! Massive Trump rally at Capitol culminates in temporarily taking over the den of snakes. Warnock installed in Georgia. More theft in Georgia. Stacy Abrams brags about being asked to leave from an all-you-can-eat, crows about lack of signature verification in Georgia. China Joe was colluding with our enemy--Hunter Biden weak, controlled Chinese puppet. Edward Hendie offers proof Trump won Pennsylvania. Cowardly unhinged Antifa thugs attack home of GOP Senator Josh Hawley--terrify only ones home--wife and infant. Florida proves masks, lockdown worthless. Fredo Cuomo lock down decimates New York, begs for Federal money. Tony the rat Fraudci suggests new lockdowns under Groper Joe.

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