Need to Know: The Fetzer Report Episode 78 - 02 December 2020

2 years ago

Need to Know Episode 78 (02 December 2020) with Giuseppe Vafanculo and David Scorpio. AG Barr: No evidence of fraud to change election outcome. Maricopa AZ GOP chairwoman: Dominion System switched votes to Biden. Georgia Governor lawyers argue Dominion trade secrets more important than rooting out fraud. NY State judge okays ballot review to give Dem House candidate lead in tight contest. German Server raid kills 5 soldiers and wounds CIA chief? Obama arrested?!? Colonel Waldrom discusses Dominion voter fraud in AZ. LA County Health Officer says not wearing a mask in public is an “act of domestic terrorism” while not wearing a mask in public. Brilliant Henry Makow analysis. Murdered Congressional contractor exposed Groper Joe involvement in child trafficking--was assassinated before testifying. Trump documentary director: “we’re still living in a coup.” Jerome Corsi: 100% Trump will win!

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