July Ascension Update with Michael and Ron

4 years ago

Join Michael and Ron for an Ascension update. We are going to catch you up on our West Coast vortex/sacred site trip, talk about relationships and communication, and whatever else wants to come through for the transmission

-new courses online
-new features coming
-join by enrolling in a course
-IOS takes 30% fees, please purchase through android or desktop computer

Embodied Light Ascension Course
-44 videos to activate and empower your ascension

IQH Practitioner Course
-learn all you need and more to facilitate quantum healing hypnosis sessions
-Quantum Healing Minister Certificate from New Earth Ascending


Upcoming Dates

Sunday Global Meditation
11:00AM PST
Starting July 19th

IQH Practitioner Meet Up Call
Saturday July 18th
Email us for meeting link

August 8th and 15th for Semi-Live IQH Practitioner Training
9am/12pm EST (3 hours)
$599 first payment/2nd Donation due after the course
Any IQH Practitioner in training can join the calls

Email: love@newearthascending.org
Michael: michael@newearthascending.org
Ron: ron@newearthascending.org


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