Just How Free Are We? - The Liberty Belles Saturday Night Special 7/2/2022

2 years ago

Just how free are we here in America? That is the subject of The Liberty Belles’ Saturday Night Special “live”, broadcast on July 2, 2022. Lynne and Suzanne discuss the founding documents of the united States, the meaning of these documents, an ancestor of Lynne, William Blount – a maligned, targeted hero, and the illusion of freedom that exists in the US occupied States using the Bill of Rights – the “thou shalt nots” for government.
For the “live” version - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9GHSHzEYDw&t=309s

The live show was broadcast to YouTube instead of Facebook due to being restricted from live broadcasts by Facebook. YouTube will now be our home for live broadcasts. Please check our Facebook page for updates.
See all The Liberty Belles shows on Rumble, BitChute, UgeTube, and Brighteon. Check out Lynne Taylor at commoncorediva.com as well as on Sons of Liberty Radio every Wednesday at 6 AM with Tim Brown on “Rotten to the Core Wednesdays”. Suzanne Hamner can be found at Sons of Liberty Media and Brighteon at “Hamner It Out”.
If you have questions, comments, or have a topic you would like The Liberty Belles to investigate and cover in one of our shows, please email The Liberty Belles at thelibertybelles2021@gmail.com. Don’t forget to drop by The Liberty Belles Facebook page and leave your thoughts and comments.
As always, Stay vigilant! Armor up Anti-Fed Warriors!
https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript - The Declaration of Independence
https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript - The Constitution for the united States of America
https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights-transcript - The Bill of Rights
https://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Store.aspx#!/THE-FREEDOM-DOCUMENTS-Expanded-Edition-Book-Compiled-By-Dr-Chuck-Baldwin-SOLD-OUT-Next-Printing-November-2022/p/57560546/category=15986016 – The Freedom Documents (The documents referenced can also be found at the National Archives and by searching for the authors of those documents)
https://www.commoncorediva.com/2019/05/24/rockin-the-cradle/ - article at commoncorediva.com referenced by Lynne
https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:b75ff1da-df50-399c-b2f3-77c80551fcf3 – Word definitions with bible scripture references
https://www.gotquestions.org/Noahide-laws.html - Noahide Laws and “some” explanation, which is not complete, but gives the Noahide laws that are in contrast to God’s Ten Commandments found in Exodus.

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