Need to Know: The Fetzer Report 02 October 2020

2 years ago

Need to Know (02 October 2020) with Giuseppe Vafanculo of the District of Criminals and Susan Bradford of Springfield, VA . Trump tests positive for a cold, heads to Walter Reed. Did you 90% of Covid-19 positive tests are false? CDC updates Covid death numbers again--less than 10,000 have died from virus alone. States stop recording flu and pneumonia deaths--attribute to covid. Globalist lies of white supremacy. Proud boys sue Biden. New York Times lied, Trump did pay taxes. Globalist Chris Wallace took sides said Trump. Debate moments that may haunt Biden. Former Twitter CEO Little Dick Costolo calls for murderous revolution. Newsome want California to pay reparations (wait, wasn’t CA part of Mexico then)? CNN says we are never getting back to normal… but Sweden is back to normal.

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