NEW YORKER Detained for spilling ketchup on Mayor’s house 1st July

2 years ago

Thank you Cliff for this video. It’s tough to watch since I’m the schmuck being arrested. I should have been screaming STOP THE MURDER ON 42nd STREET or ERIC IS PFIZER’S BITCH the whole time but I was too busy wrestling with the arresting officer. Some twat from community affairs still has my guitar case from this incident. I was blessed with strength from Family to withstand 23 hours in Central because of a bogus warrant from some cunt judge in Westchester. In the end, I received a DP or declined to prosecute and I was escorted out of the jail house. Next time, if the State is going to just drop charges for spilling ketchup, do it a little fucking earlier! The system is fucking broken. The understaffing underground is PATHETIC. The song and dance from the clowns protecting er!c the milk dud is truly disgusting. We the People of New York are trying to be the light in the darkness. We are trying to stop the death and injury of cops, city workers and children. WHAT ARE YOU DOING, you disGracie Mansion janitors? We will be back. Hold grudges all you want. You can fuck right off.

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