Ep 2. Discrimination & Diversity (I support both)

4 years ago

Discrimination & Diversity Part 1:

This is my first episode since I dissected that Dan Tapiero & Raoul Pal video (yeah, I’ve been busy).
It’s rough, but I hope you enjoy the content and can bear with me as I churn these suckers out.
I promise they will improve, so thanks for listening and remember to subscribe, etc.

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There is a major level of cognitive dissonance going on with people (especially leftists & collectivists) who are ‘against' discrimination, but ‘for' diversity.

As usual, because they don’t take a moment to THINK before they speak, their positions are contradictory! In this short video, I’ll break that contradiction down and make the point that discrimination is fundamentally critical in the path to diversity, because to discriminate means to choose, and choice is the basis of differentiation and diversity.

The idea of self-ownership and personal property rights, whether that property be your business, your money (and where you choose to spend it), your friends, your body & being, your opinion, or what goes on in your mind, is that YOU can choose to make a decision (ie; discriminate), based on whatever reason you want to. It implies it’s yours to do with as you please.

That’s freedom.

Now…if you decide to initiate violence upon another, based on some discriminatory reason; well the problem is not discrimination; it’s the fucking violence - irrespective of the reason. The aggressor is the aggressor - and who is being transgressed upon has the right to defend themselves.

The very notion of not being able to discriminate means choice does not exist.
And you might say “oh it’s not to that extent”.

And I say: “oh really? Where is the line drawn? Who gets to decide that? And what happens when the next group starts to demand more?”.

Tyranny never starts out blatant. It begins as small transgressions on our freedom. It requires us to ever so slightly violate our values, and continue to do this incrementally, until before you know it - we’re Nazi guards or deranged Karen’s.

We need to discuss these things early and cut out their venom before it spreads.


Thanks again for listening.

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