Ambient Music to Travel to Higher Worlds. Meditation Music for Self Discovery.

4 years ago

Ambient Music to Travel to Higher Worlds. Meditation Music for Self Discovery.

From the outside, meditation seems like the simplest of tasks: sit silently and focus on your breath as it moves in and out of your body so as to be completely in the present. Easy peasy, right?

But anyone who has attempted meditation, either laying in bed, sitting in a chair or in full lotus position, will tell you it’s not that simple. Even the most eager yogi can sit, take a deep breath, find themselves relaxing and congratulate themselves on how well meditation is going. But then, maybe you focus on your breath and immediately Faith Hill’s “Breathe” plays back in your mind (or else Fabolous’s “Breathe”). Regardless, you will soon find yourself face to face with what many teachers and practitioners refer to as “monkey mind.” Leaping, playing, spinning, making lists of chores to finish and emails to fire off, phone calls that need to be made, that “monkey mind” makes us realize that calming the modern mind is not a simple task, but in fact a Herculean one.

That ability to both tune in and drop out to a sound led to a cottage industry of meditation music catering to relaxation, stress relief, lucid dreaming, chakra auditing, yoga, and meditation. Dating back to the late ’60s, New Age music arose thanks to the sonic questing of composers and musicians like Iasos, Paul Horn, Steven Halpern and Irv Teibel and his influential Environments series. “Music and meditation are two aspects of the same phenomenon,” wrote Indian mystic and guru Osho. “Without music, meditation lacks something; without music, meditation is a little dull, unalive.”

To our ears, dull meditation music is not all that enlightening either, even if it’s functional when playing at the spa or at your next Bikram yoga class.

Tera Mangala Meditation Music’s music for meditation will support your meditation practice, providing you with unobtrusive instrumental music to help you focus as you develop your meditative mind. Our meditation music can support your personal practice whether it be om mantra meditation, chakra balancing, shamanic healing energy rituals or developing mindfulness. Our peaceful music provides background music for you to relax to while you remove negative energy from various parts of your body and inhale positive energy.

I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we're all teachers - if we're willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.

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With all my Metta
Enough reading, enough talking, let's meditate together now!

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