Dr. 'Judy Mikovits' REVEALS The Most Damning Covid 19 Evidence! Bombshell Interview

2 years ago

She proves that Covid is a criminal plot from the beginning. Key pieces of evidence are several Journal of Virology papers from 2004 showing they cloned SARS-Cov2 which contains part HIV-GP120 also the XMRV envelope spike protein Cyncytin (deadly component of snake venom) and part SARS ACE receptor binding domain. After that they cloned the pandemic strain of Influenza A from dead corpses. Then in 2011 there was a paper on novel viruses from bat fecal cells in China. They contain sheep virus, parvo virus, bacilo viruses, feline pan leukemia viruses, mouse virus and so on. The infectious molecular clone that the government admitted was recombinant and said the viruses are what we isolated from people with diseases like myalgic encephalomyelitis which Fauci renamed chronic fatigue syndrome. My studies of that science in 2009 showed multiple cancers, neuro-immune disease, PTSD Gulf War autism, MS from the expression of the XMRV.

Two decades ago we isolated the virus from people who got the disease and now they are being experimented on again and we are being led to believe any of these are ’novel viruses.’ They are NOT novel. They have been in our labs for 3 decades! I did the work, I made the cell lines, I made the clones. When we isolated them from human diseases they said they weren’t isolates, we were wrong. In those 2 years when the blood supply had been contaminated for 30 years because Fauci said only gay men and IV drug users and prostitutes could get HIV. The Plandemic or Covid19 that was weaponised and called a vaccine between 2004 and 2011 and since then I was locked up, our labs were closed and all that data was removed. They thought they removed all the data. Our book ‘Plague of Corruption’ shows we weren’t intimidated by their threats. We have the samples, the proof, the cell lines in the freezer. Every one of these viruses was known in 2010 and that was the reason for silencing us. This is premeditated murder.

The 2020 paper of Suramin, 100 year old chemistry, an antidote for Zika, Ebola, HIV. Double-blind, placebo-controlled study from 2015 where autistic kids got their lives back and Monsanto took it away from everyone.

The other key piece of evidence was when people were claiming religious exemptions due to the use of aborted fetal cell lines in ALL vaccines for 40 years Bayer-Monsanto put out an attestation to their employees saying we understand you have a problem with the use of aborted fetal cell lines in the R & D and production of Covid vaccine. This means you don’t have a problem with us using aborted fetal cell lines in every one of these products: Peptobismal, Ivermectin, every kind of blood pressure medicine and not limited to Tylenol and so on. Aborted fetal cell lines have Cyncytin from other animals which will cause auto-inflammatory disease. They put the peptide component of the snake venom which humans have a protection from their own human endogenous retrovirus W but if you inject and bypass the innate immune response you will develop auto-immune, auto inflammatory disease and cancer. There is 3 decades of work showing that the Cyncytin gene alone in the sperm, in the egg, in every cell of the body changes everything. Expressed in the wrong tissue at the wrong time and you get disease, foreign disease, from other animals. Loaded in ALL vaccines. It’s irrefutable, it’s published in their own journals as I mentioned.

She talks about Fauci’s gain of function research in 2015 and how in Fort Dietrich funded by NIAIH shipped the cell line with all those precursers to the lab in China and continued to humanising and weaponising changing that monkey-SARS-Cov2 Simian immune deficiency virus to a human immune deficiency virus. We know from Luc’s work there were variants that had HIV. So SARS-Cov2 is not a coronavirus. It’s a para-retrovirus. We know they were trying to kill the people with cancer. Fauci infected women with retroviruses 40 years ago. Every shot has these cell lines and is GMO, bioweapon, patentable, gain-of-function study since 1986 and none have been tested. In 2009 our paper said you can never use these cell lines again to manufacture vaccines. People were coming up with evidence of infection and an explosion of disease. Del BigTree, the Informed Consent Action Network, Children’s Health Defence at the end of 2019 caught them with the FOI Act for years. They never did the safety tests required by law. Every person injured by a vaccine should be awarded damages. The government is liable they failed in their duty and this is the reason for the plandemic - to control us all, kill us, cremate, destroy the evidence and that’s why I say we have the evidence - freezers full of them.

We didn’t commit the Federal crime of throwing them away as principal investigators. We said this in our book ‘Plague of Corruption.’ They thought they got away with it.

Our book ‘Ending Plague’ describes how Fauci got all his power. Going all the way back to the gain of function studies that were HIV because HIV is not what Luc Montagnier isolated it was LAV (lymph adenopathy virus). She was the technician doing the isolations using electromicrographs in the early ‘80s. HIV never was LAV. You can’t patent novel viruses so Fauci and Bob Gallo conspired to drive patents of T cells like interleukin2. Human immunodeficiency virus never was isolated from a human. That is an infectious molecular clone like VP62. They have been gaining this power by driving patents conspiring with Big Pharma. The 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act said there was no liability so they ramped it up, experimenting on the most vulnerable and saw the injuries. When you change a few base pairs you end up with neurological disease like Parkinsons, ALS, Alzheimers, Autism and they don’t die and they can’t work living these horrific lives.

Stew: There is a precedent for prosecuting crimes against humanity. How is Fauci still alive and walking around? He should have been tried and indicted.

JM: With HIV AIDS there was overwhelming evidence that he drove HIV. I witnessed for 22 years at the National Cancer Institute and then in industry, in Pharma you see the collusion in GMOs they knew as they drove Glyphosate and Roundup poisoning of our food and soil. They knew the synergies of activating these viruses so the farm animals we ate would get sicker and sicker. These would be transmitted also through the shots and blood supply. All of them at the top - Deborah Birks, Robert Redfield, did an experimental HIV vaccine in the ‘90s on the military, the blacks and the vulnerable. Now they are telling the military who are HIV positive they can’t serve in positions of power. Of course, HIV is in every single Covid shot! Birks and Redfield stood next to Trump and then Biden, admitting of course it’s a bioweapon - we made it in the lab. Every level of the FDA, the highest levels of the CDC, FDA, EPA, Big Pharma is involved in this. She was incarcerated and lost everything, including $10,000,000, we lost half our family.

My colleagues would not stand up. The Journals are criminal fraud (Tes Laury exposed). They are teaching our doctors lies - it’s not the doctors’ fault. Ivermectin saves lives and is a fabulous medicine. We need honesty and integrity in these institutions that are supposed to be protecting our public health.

Stew: here was never a leak, a bat or a pangolin - the wet market had nothing to do with this. It was a complete lie that the media ran with. The goal is to create an infertility pandemic, reduce the nuclear family structure, depopulate the world, destroy the U.S. military, take over the west, have total control and domination. Why do all these people go along with this genocide?

JM: It’s a cult called scientism, according to Patrick Wood. The liability for all the injured comes to trillions. It’s a disease that is able to affect the economy of nations. She has seen people in unbearable pain, unable to bear a light in the room, a blanket on their skin, digging holes in their flesh from the itch. Think of how much money they made on their patents and the fraudulent PCR test. Any vaccine will increase the expression of the mRNA of HIV and spread it through the body not just in this life but also in 4 generations going forward. It’s a hate crime against Christians if we declare our natural immunity we are taken into death camps called ‘hospitals’ denied treatment and murdered then call it Covid to drive an agenda. Right now my goal is healing. I’m a biochemist who makes drugs out of plants and energy healing for people and that’s my focus. I’ve seen healing miracles. We can get our country back if people just turn away from the drug industry. Bobby Kennedy won a case for billions of dollars for Roundup, Glyphosate causing cancer 5 years ago. Double-blind placebo controlled study for Suramin 5 years ago yet nothing has been done. When does it happen? The natural God-given immunity is all we need. We need to eat clean, no more GMO and be happy and healthy.

Dr. 'Judy Mikovits Interview, Damning Covid 19 Evidence, Shocking Interview, Covid 19 Jabs, Covid Vaccines, Covid Vaccination, Vaccinated Getting Sick,
Doctors Speak Out, Nurses Speak Out, Scientists Speak Out, Medical Tyranny, Big Pharma, Vaccine Injuries, Problems With The Vaccines, Vaccine Data Reveals, Vaccination Data, Vaccine Testimony, Pediatrician Speaks Out , Aluminium Nanoparticles in Vaccines, Childrens Vaccines, Healthcare, Pandemic Data, Dr Bryan Ardis Show, Judy Mikovits, Vaccine Parasites, Parasites In Vaccines, COVID STUDIES, Jab Parasites, VACCINES, WHATS IN VACCINES, THE VACCINES, FOOTAGE OF INSIDE VACCINES, WATCH THE WATER, COVID ORIGINS DOCUMENTARY, Dr Brian Ardis, Snake Venom 19,COVID Snake Venom, Vaccine VAIDS, Judy Mikovits, Snake Venom Technology, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr. Bryan Ardis, David Whitehead, Covid-19,Vaccines, Dr 'Zev Zelenko' Dies, Dr. 'Zelenko' Has Died, RIP Dr 'Vladimir Zev Zelenko', Doctors Speak Out, Nurses Speak Out, Scientists Speak Out, Medical Tyranny, Big Pharma, Vaccine Injuries, Arts & Literature, Auto & Vehicles, Beauty & Fashion, Business & Finance, Cuisine, DIY & Gardening, Education, Entertainment, Health & Medical, Music, News & Politics, People & Family, Pets & Wildlife, Science & Technology, Spirituality & Faith, Sports & Fitness, Travel, Vlogging, Policies, American's and Canadians, Doctors Warning, Dr Warns, Big Pharma, Ivermectin, Hydroxy Chloroquine, Medicine, Health Wellbeing, DOCTORS WARN THE WORLD, Dr Mikovits, Medical, Warnings, Humanity, Pediatrician Dr. Larry Pavlesky, Covid Testimony, Covid Testimonials, Vaccine Testimony, Foreign Policy, The Right To Choose, The Right To Life, Pro Abortion, Anti Abortion, Pro Lifers, Baby. Killers, Angry Leftists, Second Amendment, First Amendment, Political Divide, Socialism, Democracy,

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