Classic Interview with Jacoby Shaddix of Papa Roach

4 years ago

In this epic classic VideoMattPresents Interview Video Matt meets up with Jacoby Shaddix the lead singer of rock band Papa Roach. Jacoby and the gang were playing a live show at the Senator Theater in the college town of Chico California. VMP met up with the dudes and spoke with Jacoby about VMP's first concert he went to which was Papa Roach and the experience he had that night as well as other topics. This video was originally taped back in 2010 and the music has seemed to age well overtime and so has the Papa Roach fan base as Jacoby mentions in this interview. Be sure to like and subscribe and keep checking back for more content new and old.

#PapaRoach #Videomattpresents #JacobyShaddix

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