Ep 4: Equality breeds Conformity

4 years ago

**Disclaimer** I'm still working on the flow & quality, so bear with me. Subsequent videos are getting better. These might be better as podcasts, so check Wake Up out on Spotify/Anchor/iTunes, etc.



Equality is the WORST outcome for society, unless you want to create a one full of drones, who all think the same (ie; USSR, CCP, Nth Korea).

The very definition of “different”, or “original thinking” is the antithesis of equality.

If we force individuals to conform, for some short sighted notion of equality, we literally destroy the very essence of what makes life special.

Look at who we’ve aspired to be & been inspired by throughout history.
Everyone from Jesus, to Aleksandar the Great, to Eminem, to William Wallace, to Oprah, to Bonnie & Clyde, Kurt Cobain, Beyonce, Tupac, Kanye, Batman, Orwell, Dostoyevksi, Rothbard, Einstein, Tesla, Newton, Solzhenitzin, Peter Theil, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Joan of Arc, Terrence McKenna, Maradona, Mandela, Ghandi, The wright brothers, Banksy, Oceans 11, The Matrix, V for Vendetta.

Whether they're entrepreneurs, explorers, philosophers, musicians, actors, writers, psychologists, leaders, comic book heroes, warriors or your best friend. What defines those who are memorable is that they chose to be unique, not the same.

Being different & thinking different is only possible when people are free to do so.
This is fundamentally antithetical to conformity, and as an extension; equality.

Monocultures cannot, by definition breed diversity.
They become baron, dry, uni-directional, and grey.

Freedom may be messy, but it’s where all the colour in life is.
This is where real, emotional, personal art comes from.
Not the super-predictable, overtly political bullshit we see today, with a bunch of “woke” brands & corporates just parroting the same thing.

There’s nothing unique here. There’s nothing original. It requires no courage to say what the last person said.

It takes courage, strength, passion and bravery to be different - and that’s what we kill as we lead with “equality & conformity” instead of “freedom & individualism”.

What a sad, drab world it would be if we were all the same.

There’s one example I can think of that’s done well at this. They’re efficient, but at what cost to the human spirit?
Yeah - Nth Korea.
Much of China is like that too.

That’s not a world worth living in.

Another good visual is the Pixar movie; Wall-E.
That’s unfortunately where we’re headed.

To grow, on an individual level, and as it’s logical extension; the level of the organism (humans), we have to move outside of what’s known. We have to move beyond the comfort zone, but this is only possible with Freedom. You take that out of the equation, we become stale.
Struggle is where the beauty & colour of life comes from. That’s the very definition of being “alive”.

The more we push for equality, and eliminate the freedom to choose, the freedom to discriminate, the freedom to speak, transact, and think, the more we sterilize the very “life” out of life.


Thanks again for listening.

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