Ex-Government Project Boat

4 years ago

I purchased a project boat from a government auction and have gotten myself into a mess with this. I sent my wife up to check it out and she told me it was bad, but I didn't realize how bad it really was. The wiring is bad, the gelcoat is scratched up, the waterline and below is full of deposits from the water that are nearly impossible to clean off. However, there is a shiny side to this project - it was repowered with a much bigger outboard and for the price, I couldn't pass it up. I bought this boat for the motor and that's about the only thing that's good on it unfortunately. The hull is a Trophy 1903 Center Console. Maybe I can rig it up for fishing, or maybe I can just get some things working and resell it to try to make a bit of money for other projects, or maybe for an upgrade. Time will tell what is to become of this boat, but for now I've got to get it running well and I want to spend some time playing on it.

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