29 - Prince of Egypt (part 3): Of Liberty and Liberation

4 years ago

To wrap up our discussion of the life of Moses, we talk today about the Exodus as co-opted by Liberation Theology, and as a true historical even by which God accomplished His purposes--both bringing about and foreshadowing the coming of Jesus Christ.

This Episode Features: Garlic and Onions; Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (and also Death); Why Do The Mormons Have All The Good Sci-fi; Stars Of The Muppet Show; and Dweeby Movie Writers.

Transcript: https://bit.ly/3jinuhH-htz-29

A House For My Name - Peter Leithart: https://amzn.to/2WyRdJm
So You Wanna Go Back To Egypt - Keith Green: https://youtu.be/5BQkBdRWxrs

Brandon Sanderson on Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy: https://youtu.be/-6HOdHEeosc
The Awful German Language - Mark Twain: https://bit.ly/32B1l8A
The Philosopher of Antifa - Dinesh D'Souza: https://bit.ly/3eIR5NY
Politics and the English Language - George Orwell: https://bit.ly/3jeMQNz
A Simple Twist of Fate (1994) - https://amzn.to/2ZJAXat
Holes (2003) - https://amzn.to/2CqUPq0

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