S1E38 Beyond the Freezer: Homestead Meat Preservation

4 years ago

For many people, when they think about preserving meat, the first thing that comes to mind (and the only thing that comes to mind, is freezing.) And while that is certainly a good option and it is a relatively cheap and fool proof option, it is just that, an option. What many people don’t realize is that there are many other ways that you can safely preserve meat on your homestead without the use of a freezer.

On this episode we talk about the various options that exist (I am certain this is not a comprehensive list) for preserving meat on your homestead.

On this episode we discuss:

Curing/Salting - Country Ham/Prosciutto/Salt Cod/Bacon/Coppa/Sausage
Brining (liquid vs. dry) - Corned Beef / hams
Dehydrating (Solar/Machine) - Fish/Jerky
Freeze Drying
On The Hoof

I also talk about smoking meat and give my thoughts on whether or not it is a method of meat preservation or not.

Let me emphasize that not following the correct methods can result in spoiled meat and/or unsafe/deadly foods. So, make sure you are following KNOWN expert advice, not just Joe Blow from Idaho who has a blog.

If you have any questions about this or would like get my thoughts with regards to next steps with regards to any of these methods, feel free to reach out to me via email or our social media accounts, and I'll be glad to point you in the right direction.



We are a small family farmstead in upstate NY. We raise American Guinea Hogs, meat "mutt" rabbits and a variety of heritage chickens. We also have started raising Cornish Cross broilers.

We have a large garden comprised f raised beds and do a lot of canning and freezing of vegetables. We also do some fermentation as a means of food preservation and introducing natural probiotics into our diet. This YouTube channel is dedicated to our journey towards a more sustainable, healthy and wholesome lifestyle. Who knows what we might try next??!!!!!

Visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/3BFarmNY/

music by audionautix.com

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