Hell is for the Proud (Humility of Heart, Section 54)

2 years ago

“Low self-esteem” is often cited today as an explanation for bad behavior. Don’t believe it. In fact, we’re soaked in HIGH self-esteem. Look around. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear notice high self-esteem, diabolically high self-esteem, everywhere. Satan loves today’s propaganda against low self-esteem. He loves to inflate our minds with poisonous pride, which molds us in his unholy image. Don’t fall for it.

Listen to the complete masterpiece here: https://youtu.be/pKkYmcgC2R4

The book: https://tanbooks.com/products/books/spiritual-warfare/virtue-vice/humility-of-heart/

New deluxe edition of the book: https://tanbooks.com/devotionals/humility-of-heart-deluxe-limited-edition/

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