Health is Wealth

2 years ago

Did you know that your organs hold the key to improving your health and your wealth? Each of your organs holds specific emotional strengths and weaknesses that can propel you towards more money and more success or weaknesses which can block your ability to make money and feel successful.

As we're entering a time of much higher inflation, it seems like our dollars don't go as far. Unfortunately, times like this can become very stressful and a lot of people will lose much of their wealth.

However, if you are able to find ways (like facial reflexology) to reduce your overall stress and actually create health in your body, you will be miles ahead of everyone else.

In this video I show you the points and emotional strengths and weaknesses of each organ so that you can use your own body to create and keep your financial freedom.

The kidneys & bladder (water element) hold the emotion of fear. Fear makes you do stupid things. When you are able to move past fear and actually more towards fear, you will find creativity, wisdom and intuition. In order to gain wealth, you need to have creative ideas to bring into the world. While others are struggling, you will be full of ideas to create and maintain your wealth.

Rather than let fear stop you, move towards your fears and ask yourself, what is the worst thing that can happen? How likely is that to happen? When you really look at the wild stories that your mind creates, you'll realize how unlikely they are to happen. Instead of using your creative mind to stop you, use it to propel you forward!

Your heart and small intestines are about making good life decisions, enjoying your life and feeling love and connection. You've probably heard the phrase, "it's not what you know, it's who you know." Good energy flow to your heart will pump out the feel chemical oxytocin which slows down your heart rate and helps you feel love and connection. When your heart is unbalanced, you may isolate yourself and miss out on opportunities that you would might have experienced through socialization and fun!

Additionally, your small intestines are all about making good like decisions. When your small intestines are out of balance, you will find yourself making rash decisions instead of putting thought, wisdom and intuition into your life decisions.

Your stomach and spleen are about feeling calm and grounded. Out of balance, you will feel worried, anxious and unable to control your mind. Worry is a useless emotion because it doesn't matter how much you worry, you won't change the outcome of anything. Instead, when you're calm and grounded you can notice what you have control of and what you don't. Then do the things that you can do and let go of the rest.

Furthermore, your stomach and spleen are all about how you digest life. In balance, you will have a good "gut" instinct. When your digestion is out of balance, blood flow to your gut is reduced and you will lose that "gut " instinct which is so beneficial to making good decisions.

Your liver and gallbladder are super important for energy to move towards your visions and goals. You need to have visions, goals and desires to keep up your motivation and energy.

Your liver and gallbladder love to learn and learning new skills is essential to success. When you are in a constant state of learning, you will notice that you have more visions, goals and motivation to move forward. Out of balance, you will feel unmotivated and may not even have desires that keep you excited and passionate about your life. You may feel like a victim instead of taking power over your life and career.

Finally, the lungs and large intestines are all about vitality, zest for life and letting go of the crap that is keeping you from living your purpose. The large intestines hold the emotional energy of old thoughts, habits and beliefs that slow you down. For instance, if you have the belief that you will never be successful, it won't happen. When you let that limiting belief go, success will happen easily. Notice what limitations you have been placing on yourself and learn how to let them go.

Incidentally, the ascendant time of day of your large intestine is 5am-7am and this is a great time to have a bowel movement. After your brain spends the night processing, the early morning hours are a great time to emotionally let the crap go.

Don't let money stresses keep you from being creative, driven, calm and passionate. Learn to de-stress and use your creativity, motivation and energy to move towards your goals and a life of purpose!!!

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