GoldSeek Radio Nugget -- Gerald Celente: Gerald Celente: Prepare for difficult times now!

2 years ago

⦁ Trends Journal Founder, Gerald Celente returns with his always informative, and controversial geopolitical outlook.
⦁ The economy continues to reel from the fallout stemming from the Monetary policies designed to mitigate the CV-19 emergency.
⦁ Rates continue to rise, putting financial markets under pressure while increasing price inflation, increasing hardships of the consumer.
⦁ Gerald is concerned by the increase of 100k US troops and 300k NATO troops near the Ukraine border.
⦁ Our guest suggests, now is the time to focus on a training / exercise program.
⦁ Improving health now is strongly encouraged in anticipation of difficult times, such as dental care, dry food storage and survival supplies.

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