[Deprogrammed] Konstantin Kisin

4 years ago

On this episode of Deprogrammed, Keri and Carter are joined by Konstantin Kisin. Konstantin is a Russian-British comedian, podcaster, writer and social commentator. He made international headlines in 2018 by refusing to sign a university “behavioural agreement form” which banned jokes about both religion and atheism and insisted that all humour must be “respectful and kind”.

Konstantin is the reigning Jewish Comedian of the Year and has won a number of other comedy competitions, awards and prizes. He has played some of the UK's biggest comedy clubs and has supported Geoff Norcott, SHA-zia MUR-za, and Andrew Doyle on tour. He took his debut hour, Orwell That Ends Well, to the Edinburgh Fringe in 2019, receiving a host of positive reviews.

Konstantin is a regular contributor to BBC, ITV, BBC Radio 5 Live, and LoveSport. He is also the creator and co-host of the TRIGGERnometry YouTube show where 2 comics interview economists, political experts, journalists and social commentators about interesting, controversial and challenging subjects.

You can follow him on social media at:
Twitter: @konstantinkisin
Instagram: @konstantinkisin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Konstantin-Kisin-From-Russia-with-Laugh-1639658182921004/

And you can find the TRIGGERnometry podcast on YouTube at:
or just search for "TRIGGERnometry" on your favorite podcast app.

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About Deprogrammed
Hosted by former SJW Keri Smith, "Deprogrammed" is dedicated to unravelling Keri's former ideology.

We'll explore the philosophy, strategy, and tactics that intersectional ideologues use to program "Social Justice Warriors," turning otherwise thoughtful, critically-minded individuals into armies of extreme leftist NPCs. Some episodes are interviews with special guests, and others are deep-dives into a different aspect of "social justice" culture, drawing both from Keri's personal experience as well as current events.

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