How To Detox Metals From Your Body - Wendy Myers & Ashley James - #159

2 years ago

How To Detox Metals

Having done a lot of episodes covering different health topics, I noticed that one of the most requested ones is about detoxification. So here's a treat for all of my listeners! I have with me today, Wendy Myers, an expert who is going to teach us how to detox metals.

I was thrilled to find out Myers is a past graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). I'm likewise set to graduate from the same Institute soon. So for those who want to pursue a career in Health Coaching or just enrich your knowledge in Health and Nutrition, I highly recommend IIN.

Discovering Her Mission

Myers confirms that there is indeed a link to exhaustion and chronic fatigue. And I agree! I have likewise made a great effort changing my diet as well as take supplements or herbs to increase energy. But doing detox protocols is the only way to go if you want to zero in on getting rid of toxins from your body.

On the other hand, Myers said that she started to get into learning how to detox metals when she first became pregnant. Aiming to achieve optimal health in anticipation of the birth of her child, she devoted a lot of time reading books on how to detox metals.

Zeroing In On Metals Detoxification

Her commitment to teaching herself how to detox metals further escalated after she gave birth and her dad being diagnosed with esophageal cancer shortly after. Understandably, Myers was devasted!

Throughout her research, Myers discovered that toxic metals are the cause of many types of cancers. Hence, knowing how to detox metals is part of cancer recovery. However, because Myers dad was also a heavy smoker for the past 40 years, he died just six months after his cancer diagnosis.

In hindsight, Myers was not discouraged in pursuing her thirst to know more about how to detox metals. In fact, her father passed away because of his cancer treatment and not because detoxification wasn't effective.

Right after Myers' dad passed away, she pursued further education in nutrition school. Within three months, she launched her website which focuses on how to detox metals in honor of her father. What a great tribute!

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Ashley James
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