How to Bring Washington DC Back Under Control

2 years ago

There are plenty of problems in America today, too many to number most likely. I’m frequently asked what we can do. Too often, it seems everyone is looking to Washington, D.C. for answers. By studying the Constitution, and a couple of Supreme Court opinions, I think we can find some answers a lot closer to home.

First, the states need to remember that they are separate and independent sovereigns, not vassals of Washington, D.C. The states created the federal government to serve them, not the other way around. The states delegated to the federal government certain limited and enumerated powers, which means only the states have the legal authority to amend the Constitution to give them more.

Second, the states need to defend themselves against government overreach. Today it seems when government goes too far, all most states will do is sue in federal court. That’s like asking the bully’s sister to protect you. Sure, we may want the courts' opinion, but that’s all it is: An opinion. We need states to learn to stand their ground against Washington, D.C. Yes, they’ve made it harder when they ratified the 16th and 17th Amendments, but that doesn’t excuse those in our state governments who roll over every time a new edict comes out of Washington, D.C.

And lastly, our Sheriffs, the chief law enforcement officers, are bound by oath or affirmation to the Constitution of our states and the United States. They need to take up their responsibility to protect the rights of the people of their county.

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