Lima Beans, Garlic, and Groundcherries! 7 24 20

4 years ago

Lori Fiechter here, very thankful to God for the 1.7" of rain we had this past week--He is the Giver of all good and perfect gifts (Epistle of can look it up!) Just when the field corn was starting to look stressed, we got welcome relief! We don't have irrigation here like they do a bit farther north so we depend on those showers from above.

We grow lima beans only every 3 years or so as shelling them is thumb-cracking work! We picked a few today but will wait until Monday to get a bigger picking. I also dug up the garlic--the bulbs aren't big, but then it was a spring planting. I've used one already and it was very fresh--not like the grocery store kind that has started to sprout. Of course, the cloves I planted WERE from the store...

I picked up a few more ground cherries but the heat and the spiderwebs and the leaning sunflowers were bothersome. I quit for the day. Later.

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