Introduction to IQH (First video from our online course)

4 years ago

Take the Online Course, available now:

Semi Live Illuminated Quantum Healing Practitioner Training
Calling all souls who wish to learn Illuminated Quantum Healing! We are hosting our second Semi-Live training for this leading-edge modality.
Illuminated Quantum Healing is an alchemical method of transformation and awakening that incorporates energy healing, meditative practices, and hypnosis skills to activate instantaneous multidimensional healing through a client's connection to their Higher Self.
Quantum Healers in training will watch the pre-recorded material in their own time and gather together for 3 LIVE focus sessions to dive deeper into the material and grow as a community of Illuminated Quantum Healing practitioners. During the meetups, trainees will meet with Michael and Ron on Zoom to review material, ask questions, and receive feedback. This way you get all the benefits of meeting live with the flexibility of studying the material in a schedule that fits your life!
Dates of Live Online Meetings:
July 17th (Watch Days 1-3 of video content before this meeting)
July 31st (Watch Days 4-6 of video content before this meeting)
August 14th (Feedback for practice sessions and Q&A )
Times: 9AM PST-12:00 PST
Initial contribution $599.99 + Second donation of any amount after the training is complete (Course value $777-$1444)
*Special discount for QHHT and BQH practitioners $444 initial contribution + 2nd donation of any amount.
Email us with questions or to inquire about payment plans/work-study:


*Upon acceptance to the IQH facilitator training, students must complete all video presentations and require a practice of 22 sessions for those new to quantum healing hypnosis or 11 sessions for those already practicing QHHT or BQH. A final interview is required to complete certification.

IQH table of content :
☆IQH Manual and Notes
☆Illumination Codex Manuscript
Day 1 - Introduction
☆Introduction Q&A
☆Meet The Group - Intentions
☆Setting the Foundations: Practitioner Preparation
☆Self Reflection
☆Initiation Attunement Ceremony
☆Initiation Responses
☆The Mind: Intro to Yoga Psychology
☆Brain Wave States
☆Light Body Discourse: Subtle Body Anatomy
Day 2- Being the Hypnotist: Interview and Procedure
☆Guiding Meditations
☆Holding Space
☆Preparing Your Client
☆Q&A - Preparing Your Client
☆The Interview
☆Q&A - The Interview
☆The Voice
☆Subliminals and Hypnotic Suggestion
☆Michael's Induction
☆Q&A of Michael's Procedure
Day 3 - Intro + Meditation
☆Ron's Prep Talk Before Induction
☆Ron's Induction
☆Q&A after Ron's Induction
☆Procedure During The Quantum Journey: Moving Through the Scenes of Other Lives
☆Q&A Procedure
☆Working With The Higher-Self
☆Healing Procedure Tips, Entities, Implants
☆Sound Check, Recordings, Technical Stuff, Closing Prayer
Day 4 - Intro + Meditation
☆Check-in Session Experiences
☆Crafting Mentorship Programs for Clients
☆Sacred Sound Light Language Workshop
Day 5 - Intro + Meditation
☆Ron's Live Demo Session - The Interview
☆IQH - Ron's Live Demo Session
☆Business Tips: Manifesting the Business You Want
Day 6 - Intro + Meditation
☆Surrogate Sessions
☆Demo Session With A Keyword
☆Instruction For Group Regression and Quantum Experiences
☆Group Quantum Journey
☆Group Quantum Journey Responses
☆Closing Ceremony
☆Final Donation to New Earth Ascending
☆Watchlist ​

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