Ep 11: Life is Dynamic, not Static

4 years ago

All complex systems, all living systems and life by its very definition is something that moves, and is dynamic.

There are inequalities everywhere, there is compounding and power laws, there are self-reinforcing spirals & death spirals. These are all normal aspects of living systems and when allowed to operate, they do so in a dynamic equilibrium.

This is direct contrast to the morons running around taking about the “The 1%”. Whilst I agree there are UNFAIR inequalities, this is only because the base incentives of society are skewed. But so strong is the dynamism of life that even with such unfairness, those who have rigged the game are still subject to going back down the ladder.

In a FREE & FAIR system, where we all operate on the same economic rules (economics being defined as the allocation of time & energy by the individuals involved), we get a beautiful dynamic equilibrium where people move up the ladder & back down.

There is no "static" 1%. Not in free systems, and not even in rigged systems (nature is too powerful).

This is why Freedom is so important to building natural, functional societies.

The more freedom you give society, the more opportunity you create.
The more you restrict freedom for equality, the more you destroy the opportunity to create opportunity.

Therein lies the fallacy of the collectivists.

A focus on the individual and on a fixed set of rules (unable to be changed by one party) gives rise to a society in which the best of us is rewarded. It’s a convergent network effect that rewards ethical & productive behaviour/

People move up & down the scale of have’s & have not’s.

Some start at the bottom, whilst others start at the top.
But those at the bottom rise, because they grow up learning the value of hard work and perseverance, whilst those at the top, who had it easy; learn complacency. We’ve seen this in all stories of the hero’s journey.

Rocky 3 is a great example.
Mr T whooped his ass because he was fucking HUNRGY.
By removing hunger from the equation, you kill spirit & drive.

This dynamic equilibrium, found in living systems, is how freedom operates.
It’s a constant flux.
The notion of fixed equality or “balance” is what we know & define as death.

Life is alive. It’s dynamic & unpredictable by nature.
The more you can predict it, the less alive it is.

“Be like water”, as Bruce Lee said.
A flowing river is alive, static water goes rancid.


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