Ep 13: The ultimate vote is Economic. NOT democratic.

4 years ago

People always refer to the morality of “democracy”, and it being the mechanism of rule that's the fairest & most just - but it’s just NOT true.

Democracy will always devolve into authoritarianism because it’s just another form of collectivism requiring you to give up your personal agency to an external authority.

A truly FREE society is one where economics rules, and the ability to cast your vote live at all times is the only way we can have a truly open, functional, liberty-centric society.

This might sound like blasphemy to some, but in order to make sense of this statement, one has to understand what economics actually measures.
Economics is the study of the allocation of resources (primarily time & energy) by individual participants in a society.

This is the free-market, and more broadly, free-society form of organisation & convergence that does not require a central authority to decree what should happen, how & when (which is often inefficient & inaccurate).

Economic decisions are real, live, functional votes in a free society. It’s representative of your choice here & now, and is more powerful than any other force in the world, especially a “democratic” one.


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